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GM-25 Drain Opener, 1 kg



2695$ EA.

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Product description

• Granular drain opener that unclogs and thaws drains
• It burns and kills the roots in drains of 4" and up
• Super powerful granular liquid drain opener for toilet bowls, sinks, tubs and showers
• Dissolves toilet paper, hair, grease and rags
• Quickly thaws frozen drains and septic tanks in winter
• Effectively thaws the pipes of mobile homes and cottages that are exposed to freezing
• Thaws storm sewer grates when water accumulates above it
• Burns straw in barn and stable drains and reduces the volume of septic tanks instantly
• Generates heat for one hour in the drains
• This product does not congeal in cold water and will not clog drains
• Thaws only by pouring into the manhole, adding water as needed
• Format: 1 kg
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