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Px Primer Latex Adhesion Primer for Self-Levelling, 4 L



4417$ EA.

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Product description

• Px Primer is a high-performance acrylic-based latex that is applied before the self-levelling compound is applied
• It promotes adhesion to over- or under-absorbent substrates
• Designed to maximize adhesion and bond strength with subfloors
• It is suggested to apply a primer before using a self-leveler
• Drying time: 2-4 hours (depending on temperature)
• Polymer-reinforced latex primer
• Increases bond strength to cement or other substances
• Recommended for most surfaces (concrete, plywood, gypsum, prepared tile)
• Only one application required
• For interior use only
• Coverage 4 L: 240 sq.ft.
• Format: 4 L
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